Opening hours

Below you will find our indicative opening hours for the season. Please note that opening hours are subject to change on an ongoing basis and factors such as weather conditions, maintenance and larger groups may affect the schedule. We strive to give you the best possible experience, which is why opening hours can be adjusted to ensure optimal conditions.

We understand that plans can change, which is why we continuously update our opening hours to meet your needs. Stay tuned here on the website for the latest updates and changes.

Thy Cablepark appreciates your understanding and flexibility. We look forward to welcoming you to a season full of fun on the water!

Season 2024 (March - October)

March 30 – May 31

Please note: Our opening hours are indicative and subject to change in case of weather conditions.

NOTE: We reserve the right to close the park 1 hour before closing if there are no paying customers on the cable.